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Study abroad in
Costa Rica

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Experience Pura Vida

到哥斯达黎加留学,亲身体验纯粹的生活. 多次被幸福星球指数评为世界上最幸福的国家,最近一次被国家地理杂志评为世界上最幸福的国家, 据蓝区组织称,哥斯达黎加是地球上仅有的五个“蓝区”之一. Blue zones are home to the longest-living humans, and Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula happens to be one of them. One thing’s clear: Costa Ricans know the secret to living well. Hang around them and you just might figure it out yourself. 这个令人难以置信的中美洲国家已经成为一个受欢迎的乡村目的地, eco, and adventure tourism, and it’s easy to see why. As one of the most biodiverse nations in the world, 哥斯达黎加提供了一系列令人惊叹的探索环境和物种. You can watch baby sea turtles hatch on either of the country’s coasts, “sky walk” across the suspension bridges in the Monteverde rainforest, and learn to surf off some seriously gorgeous beaches. Go whitewater rafting in San José, spot toucans and macaw parrots up close on a rainforest aerial tram, and ride a horse through farmland on your way to the Arenal Volcano. Go diving in Costa Rica’s Caribbean reefs, zipline through lush forest canopy, and repel down the rock face of the La Fortuna waterfall. 这个国家到处都是自然美景,有机会以令人兴奋和难忘的方式体验户外活动.  

Cities of Costa Rica

Cities of Costa Rica

San José

San José, the capital city of Costa Rica blends urban life and natural beauty; more than 800 miles of coastline and acres of lush rainforests lie just a short drive from this diverse metropolitan center.
Summer Temp
78°F (26°C)
Winter Temp
78°F (26°C)
Temperate Plateau
Sample Programs
  • Foreign Language & Literature
  • Health Sciences
  • Sciences

If you’re passionate about sustainability and environmentalism, 去哥斯达黎加留学,学习如何管理一个真正的绿色国家. Ranked second in the World Energy Council’s energy trilemma index in 2013, Costa Rica is a world leader in environmental friendliness. Thirty percent of its forests are protected reserves, and ninety-three percent of its electricity comes from renewable sources. Costa Rica aspires to be the first carbon-neutral country by 2021. 考虑到这个小国拥有世界上5%的生物多样性,并且是可持续发展努力的先驱, it’s an ideal place to study the environmental sciences. Come to Costa Rica and you won’t have to look far for good food. 在海滩上享受冰凉新鲜的椰子,从街头小贩那里买来时当场切开. You can drink the juice or eat the fruit flesh right out of the shell. Try pairing your pipa fria with Costa Rican ceviche, 一种传统的海鲜菜肴,在拉丁美洲以不同的形式供应. Costa Rica, like many other Central and South American countries, 提供你在国内找不到的异国水果:marañón(腰果), passionfruit, pitaya (dragonfruit), and guanábana (soursop) to name a few. 在当地的露天市场买一些,那里是和当地人练习西班牙语的好地方. 花一个下午的时间在当地的咖啡馆里,一边喝着世界闻名的哥斯达黎加咖啡,一边和一位新朋友聊天. When it’s dinner time, 挖掘到一个美味的卡萨多盘体验传统的哥斯达黎加餐, preferably shared with your host family at your homestay.  

Popular Programs

Popular Programs

Spanish Language, Liberal Arts & Environmental Sciences

Improve your fluency, delve into local culture, 了解这个以其惊人的生物多样性而闻名的国家的环境问题. Designed for all levels of Spanish language proficiency, 你将学习至少一门西班牙语课程,并从一系列选修课中进行选择.

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  • SU
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  • Starting at $4,795
Medical Spanish & Health Sciences

掌握语言技能和对文化元素的理解,在与讲西班牙语的病人一起工作时可能会发挥作用. 专为希望在医学和健康科学领域工作的各级西班牙语能力的学生设计, 该项目提供健康科学课程(英语授课),提供对哥斯达黎加卫生保健系统的深入了解,并提供积极的学习内容,加强课堂学习. 从识别医学词汇到描述患者的身心状态,再到与患者和其他医务人员的沟通, 语言课程侧重于在医学背景下通过强化口语和听力练习培养与患者有效沟通的能力. Advanced students will fine-tune their language skills, discussing topics such as advantages and disadvantages of traditional vs. 整体医学和准备在诊所或会议上的演讲或报告. Regardless of the level of instruction, 期望在演讲中模拟医疗提供者与患者之间的互动. 早期开始选项可以帮助您在学期医学西班牙语课程开始之前快速启动(常规)西班牙语技能.

See Details

  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • Starting at $4,795

哥斯达黎加的文化有很多值得欣赏的历史、艺术和文化. Visit San José’s Gold Museum, home to the largest collection of pre-Colombian gold in the Americas, or the Jade Museum, to see the largest pre-Colombian jade collection. 观看当地妇女穿着五颜六色的服装表演传统民俗舞蹈,或者在最近的酒吧自己跳起舞来, party, or restaurant, where you’ll have plenty of company. Go out and see a show at one of the many theaters, where limited seating makes for an intimate experience. Discover Costa Rican cowboy culture at the annual Bonanza Cattle Show. 和你的新朋友一起参加这个国家每月举行的任何一个节日,看看当地人是多么热情地庆祝生活. When you study or complete an internship abroad in Costa Rica, you’ll develop your Spanish language skills, learn more about Latin American culture, and make progress toward your degree in a tropical paradise. What are you waiting for?  

Costa Rica Points of Interest

Costa Rica Points of Interest

  • Art City Tour 这个全市范围的开放日展示了各种画廊和博物馆,并提供从一个文化热点到另一个文化热点的免费班车服务. Visit the Jade Museum, the petite art space TEOR/éTica, and the all-inclusive National Museum, among other exciting venues.
  • Paseo Gastronómico La Luz 这条受欢迎的街道两旁是餐馆、艺术画廊和创意空间. 不容错过的餐厅包括Keidas Lounge Bar/Restaurante, Luna Roja, Lulú & Saturnino Bistro-Pub, Sofia Mediterráneo, Crepería El Gato Negro和Impar.
  • Parque Metropolitano La Sabana 这个位于圣何塞西端的公园是我们版的纽约中央公园. La Sabana has tons of green areas, a lake, walking trails, tennis courts, sports fields, jogging paths, and soccer pitches.
  • Hiking in Braulio Carrillo National Park After just a 40-minute bus ride from San José, you’ll find yourself immersed in the heart of the rainforest, 您将在美丽的布劳里奥卡里略国家公园享受令人兴奋的徒步旅行体验.
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